We are students in BTS in trade from Lycée Jeanne d'Arc
Sainte Adresse near Le Havre (Normandy, France).
There are 6 girls and 3 boys.
My name is Anthony, I'm 19 years old. I live in
Saint Martin du Manoir, a village near Le Havre. I like reggae music, watching
TV and going to cinema. My favorite sport is tennis.
My name is Mélanie and I'm 19 years old. My
nickname is "rascal".
I live in a little country near YVETOT between Rouen
and Le Havre.
I like music and dancing. I like to go to in disco.
My name is Cecile
I am 20. I live in Le Havre I prepare bts in business
I want to participate
inthe Europaul project. I like cinema,
party.I am a half-cast girl.Send me
lot of messages please.
Hi, my name is Cindy, i am 18 years old and i live
le Havre (france), which is a city on the seaside. I'm
fond of
mangas,reading,swimming and especially having
fun with my friends.I really
want to participate to
the Europaul project, exchange mails with
students. See you soon. Bye
My name is Elodie. I'm 20 years old. I'm living in
le havre which is a
very magnificient town, very dinamic, with the sea.I'm
in the first year
of a BTS Marketing. I like going to the cinema and listen
My name is Kevin
I'm 19
years old
I'm live in le Havre (a nice town)
I'm enjoy the cinema, all
kind of music, I practice percussions with my
I have a
passion: Rally, rally's car and rally's game.
I would like to participate to
this exchange to upgrate my english and
for meet news people (maybe news
My e-mail Adress is: black..man..@voila.fr
I hope you'll
write me back soon
bye bye
My name is anne sophie lechevallier, I'm 20. I
live in le havre and i like the R'N'b
music, dancing et going to the
parties. I want to participate to the
Europaul project. I hope that you will
send me a lot of messages. Bye
bye and thank you.
Hello! My name is julie. I live in Le Havre in a flat
like listening music like Rock, Ska, reggae, punk.
I love do party with my
I wish participated to the Europaul Project to communicated with
I'm Stuart
Foster from FRANCE.I'm 20 and I like going to the night club.
I'm woorking in
a bank every saturday and it's very interesting.
Ilike hip hop music ,ragga