Espacio de entrega
Foro PRÁCTICA 4 Creación Tarea Pedagógica
Tareas de los alumnos
Pratica 4: Creazione compito pedagogico
Titolo: Un giorno di turismo a Roma.
- Comprensione orale: Ascolta sequenze di audio o video.
- Produzione orale: Registrazioni di compiti online attraverso di un microfono sia sul computer sia sul cellulare.
Contesto pedagogico:
- Supporto: Laboratorio di informatica; internet/la rete.
- Relazione pedagogica: In maniera autonoma.
- Livello della lingua: Livello B1 intermedio.
- Autocorrezione: Istruzione a distanza.
Autonomo: Assenza del docente.
- Risorse pedagogici per l’insegnamento di una lingua straniera. Compiti (attività, esercizi).
- Supporto. Sito web.
- Dispositivo. In maniera autonoma.
Istruzioni: Esercizi.
Stai in viaggio di fine corso con i tuoi amici in Italia. Per oggi si ha pianificato una visita turistica nella città di Roma. Guarda questo video per vedere la guida della capitale italiana, la città eterna.
Esercizio uno:
Sei proprio arrivato a Roma. Il volo ha atterrato all’aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino/Aeroporto Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci. Chiedi aiuto nel sportello d’informazione per arrivare in centro della città facendo il percorso con i mezzi pubblici.
Esercizio due:
Hai trovato per strada un turista italiano del sud che non conosce la città. Ti ha chiesto gentilmente se le potresti aiutare a trovare il suo gruppo che ora si trova al Colosseo. Proprio adesso ti trovi a Piazza Venezia; dagli indicazioni per fare il percorso Piazza Venezia – Colosseo.
Come registrare il discorso:
Per compilare questo compito avrai bisogno di registrare la voce. A questo proposito si consiglia allo studente di fare usufrutto della applicazione di messaggistica istantanea WhatsApp. Istruzioni:
- Vai su
- Collega il tuo cellulare col codice QR.
- Vai sulla chat.
- Utilizza il pulsante di registrazione vocale che c’è sulla chat e registra tuo discorso.
- Invia la registrazione vocale.
- Clicca col pulsante a destra del mouse e scegli “scaricare registrazione vocale”.
- Ecco! Avrai il tuo discorso in formato .OGG sul computer.
Referenze bibliografiche:
"Vacanze Romane - Guida Turistica Alla Città Eterna". Youtube, 2018, Accessed 18 Dec 2018.
"Whatsapp Web". Web.Whatsapp.Com, 2018, Accessed 18 Dec 2018.
Tomé, Mario. "Yedumaster_Criteria". Flenet.Unileon.Es, 2018, Accessed 18 Dec 2018.
- Título: Adopting a country: travelling and recommending.
- Objetivos:
- Práctica y desarrollo de la producción oral en lengua inglesa.
- Práctica y desarrollo de la comprensión oral en lengua inglesa.
- Contexto:
La actividad está orientada a alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, cursando 3º o 4º de la misma. Los previos cursos escolares son de vital importancia porque el perfil académico que se exigirá en la actividad es alto en las competencias de comprensión y producción orales.
- Descripción:
La tarea se desarrollará en grupo y tendrá tres fases (desarrolladas en la siguiente sección). La presente actividad consistirá en la realización de entrevistas on-line (vía Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, etc) entre los estudiantes en la sala de informática. Estos estudiantes tendrán asignados ciertos roles en términos de nacionalidad, es decir, a los estudiante se les pedirá que actúen como habitantes de diferentes países (4 como máximo, dependiendo del volumen del grupo en cuanto al número de estudiantes). Los estudiantes realizarán entrevistas telecolaborativas en grupos de 2, donde tendrán que pedir recomendaciones a los estudiantes de su entrevista sobre su país (ficticio). A este respecto, los estudiantes tendrán que elaborar previamente las preguntas que van a hacer. De manera inversa, la siguiente semana se girarán las tornas, Los estudiantes que pidieron recomendaciones en la sesión previa tendrán que elaborar recomendaciones sobre su país para las peticiones de sus compañeros en la entrevista.
El proyecto presenta, por lo tanto, dos dimensiones: una en la que los estudiantes elaboran preguntas, y otra en la que, los mismos estudiantes, elaborarán respuestas, todas ellas puestas en práctica en las entrevistas para trabajar la comprensión y producción orales. Indirectamente, sin ser los objetivos principales de la actividad, los alumnos trabajarán la búsqueda de recursos (cuando tengan que elaborar recomendaciones sobre el país que les ha tocado) y el uso de las TICs en el aula, factor indispensable en cualquier proyecto de innovación educativa. Además, los alumnos aprenderán de las culturas que les toque trabajar, incorporando así en el aula una 3ra dimensión: la multicultural.
- Instrucciones:
Fases del proyecto:
- Selección y asignación de países para el proyecto.
- La mitad del alumnado elabora preguntas para obtener recomendaciones, mientras que la otra mitad elabora recomendaciones y busca información sobre su país.
- La misma mitad del alumnado invierte su rol y elabora las recomendaciones, mientras que la segunda mitad, ahora, elabora y hace las preguntas en las entrevistas.
Tamara Barrio Barrio
Décembre 2018
Titre de la séquence :
Les droits de l’homme (70èmeanniversaire)
Objectifs :
À la fin de la séquence l’élève devra être capable de :
Compréhension orale |
Comprendre un poème écouté sur Internet |
Compréhension écrite |
Comprendre un texte écrit qui a été publié sur un journal |
Production orale |
Réagir oralement à une bande dessinée et donner son opinion via appli web |
Production écrite |
Écrire des informations sur la vie d’une personne |
Contexte :
Lieu / support / canal |
Salle informatique / Internet / courrier électronique |
Relation pédagogique |
A l’école et à la maison/ en groups coopératifs et en autonomie / tâche pédagogique dirigée et autonome |
Niveau de langue |
B1 |
Type d'activité |
Tâches de CE, CO, EE, et EO à partir des documents sur des sites web
Tutorat / Autocorrection |
En présentiel : accompagnement, correction et évaluation par l'enseignant |
Description :
1. EN COMPAGNIE : avec le professeur en cours et en groupes coopératifs |
A. Ressources pédagogiques pour l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère |
- Tâches : 3 tâches en cours (compréhension écrite, compréhension orale, expression écrite) |
B. Support |
- Site web (RFI savoirs – site pédagogique - Personnes qui ont changé le monde) |
C. Dispositif |
- Groupes coopératifs en cours en salle d’informatique |
2. EN AUTONOMIE : en absence du professeur (les élèves travailleront de manière autonome chez eux) |
A. Ressources pédagogiques pour l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère |
- Tâches : 1 tâche à la maison (expression orale) |
B. Support |
- Site web (La voix des parents - image bande désinée) Enregistrement en ligne |
C. Dispositif |
- En autonomie en devoir maison |
Consignes :
Lire le texte et répondre aux questionnes proposées |
Écouter le poème et répondre aux questionnes proposées (en groupes coopératifs) | |
Rédiger un texte sur une personne qui a défendu les droits de l’homme (en groupes coopératifs). |
http://personnesquiontchangé |
Donner son avis à partir d'une image | |
Voir le document joint pour visualiser les activités pour les élèves (instructions pour l'enregistrement de l'activité orale inclus)
Tittle / Título: Let´s work on our communication with Harry Potter!
Objectives / Objetivos:
Oral comprehension: Listen to videos and audio clips
Oral production: Recording of different activities such as
answers to questions, reading texts or presentations
talking about certain topics.
Context /Contexto:
-Location: Computer Laboratory/ Internet/Moodle
-Educational relationship: Supervised task
-Language level: A2-B1
-Type of activity: Online activity
-Correction: Remote/Collaborative platform
Description / Descripción: It will be done in company, with the presence of a teacher.
-Pedagogical resource: Tasks (activities and exercises)
-Format: Private CMS (Moodle)
-Mechanism: Class group on the computer laboratory
Instructions / Instrucciones:
Steps / Etapas / Ejercicios:
E 1: Oral comprehension: Watch this video ( and answer the following questions:
-Who is Harry Potter?
-Does he have friends?
-What does he discover?
-Who is the enemy of Harry Potter?
-What is Gryffindor?
Upload a Word document with the answers on Moodle. To do so:
1. Open the Moodle platform as usual.
2. Click on our module.
3. Inside of the module´s page, click on the task named "Let´s work on our communication with Harry Potter!"
4. Upload the document by clicking on "Add document". Choose the document you want to upload and finally click "Save".
E 2: Oral production: Now describe the following terms so that you can follow the story propperly: "Ron Weasley", "Hogwarts", "the Philosopher´s Stone", "Voldemort" and "Muggle".
Create a record to define these terms. For the task, you need to use a voice recorder. Although there are multiple methods, I propose the one that contains the following link: . The instructions are:
Press the red button and it will automatically start recording.
2 - If
you get a notice that asks for permission to use the microphone on your
computer, accept
3- In case you want to
pause while recording you can press the button that has a symbol
two sticks.
4- When you have
finished recording and you want to stop it, press the button with a
5- If you want
to re-record and discard the previous audio you have to press the cross
appears in the upper
right corner, where you will get a question to which you must
6- Once you agree with
the recording, press it to save and an audio file will be downloaded
your computer.
7- To upload it to the
platform, attach the file from your computer as you have always done
Moodle and as it has been previously
explained in the previous exercise.
E 3 : Oral production: Create a recording giving
your opinion about how the story of Harry Potter
and the Phisolopher´s Stone
will be deveolped. To do the recording, use the same webpage and
the same
instructions for hte exercise 2. To upload the document to Moodle, use
the same process
the one explained in exercise number 1.
1. TITLE: The fable: “The rabbit and the turtle”
- Recall literature-related concepts. With this pedagogic task, students will draw their previous knowledge about some concepts related to literature and, more specifically, to the fable.
- Oral comprehension. By listening to the recorded fable, students will improve their oral comprehension in a foreign language and they will be able to draw the main points of a spoken text.
- Oral production. The final aim of this group of exercises is that students will be able to produce an oral text based on the main points of the provided recording.
3. CONTEXT: The foreign-language level required for this pedagogic task is a B1 level. The recording is already adapted to this level, and students are asked to produce a B1-level spoken text.
4. DESCRIPTION: This pedagogic task fits the following typology:
- Autonomously: it is an autonomous pedagogic task because the presence of a teacher is no needed.
- Pedagogic resources for foreign language teaching: tasks (activities, exercises). This pedagogic task is based on three different exercises students have to do by following the given instructions.
- Support: a recording. The entire pedagogic task is based on a recorded fable given to the students.
- Autonomy: students have to do this pedagogic task by their own by following the instructions given by the teacher.
5. INSTRUCTIONS: The following instructions are addressed to the students.
- Exercise 1: recalling literature-related concepts. Think about what you already know about fables. Try to remember what they are, what essential features they have and think about some examples.
- Exercise 2: oral comprehension.
Listen to the following recording as many times as you want. Then, draw
the main points and try to make a summary of what it is told. In order
to listen to the recording, follow the following instructions:
- Click on the following link:
- As soon as you get into the website, the recording will start playing. If you want to pause it, click on the pause symbol on the upper left corner.
- Exercise 3: oral production.
Once you have listened to the recording, you have to create a new one
by your own. In your recording, you have to make a summary of ‘The
rabbit and the turtle’ fable and explain its moral. In order to create
your own recording, follow the following instructions:
- Click on the following link: .
- If a pop-up window appears on your screen saying “Allow Online Voice Recorder to use the microphone”, say yes. If no pop-up window arises, go to step 3.
- Click on the red button with a microphone on it to start recording your voice. You can pause it as times as you want and continue recording it.
- Once you have finished your recording, click on the red button with a square on it. The recording will stop and you can listen to it before downloading it.
- If you do not like your recording, click on the ‘X’ in the upper right corner and start it again. If you are satisfied with it, click on ‘Save’ and it will start downloading automatically.
- Once you have your recording ready, you have to upload it. There will be a resource available in the Moodle platform to do that. You just have to open it and upload your recording there.
- Online voice recorder (2019). Retrieved from
- Sánchez, C. (2019) “Práctica 3: grabación de voz”. Retrieved from .
Tittle: English media
- Oral comprehension: the student will experience listening to a real voice-recording about a topic in the Foreign Language (English).
- Oral production: the student will be practicing the Foreign Language (English) while they use digital tools.
- Written production: the student will be writing about a topic in the Foreign Language (English).
- Linguistic competence
- Digital competence
The student will be using the computer to do this activity.
They need Internet connection and accessibility to the recommended webpages.
In order to do this activity, please read the following instructions carefully and reproduce each step without missing any of them.
Step 1. Listen to my example of a voice-recording, which is a brief introduction about the BBC, clicking on this link:
Step 2. Write a brief essay (about 150 words) about another English channel.
Step 3. Make a voice-recording while reading your essay about the English service broadcaster that you have chosen. I used the webpage "Online Voice Recorder" which allows you to voice-record yourself in few simple steps:
- Open this link:
- You will see a text "click the button to start recording" and a red button below. Click on it to start recording. Click on "Allow Online Voice Recorder to use the microphone" if it appears before recording.
- To finish your voice recording click on the red button with a square on it.
- If you like it click on "save" and it will automatically download.
- If you do not like it, delete it by clicking in the "X" that is in the top, the right hand side. Afterwards, you can start recording again.
- If this webpage does not work, you can try to open your recording with “SoundCloud”:
(If you have Facebook you do not need to register yourself).
Voice-recording webpages used:
Example of the recorded text:
Title: Robin Hood and the media.
- Objectives:
-Oral comprehension: The student will work with electronic devices which will be used in an oral way. Indeed, he will be listening to voice-recording audio in the foreign language we are practising, English.
-Oral production: The student will have to record himself/herself and will have to practise orally in the foreign language, English.
-Written comprehension: The student must read a webpage written in the foreign language, English. The student will have to have a clear understanding of it.
-Written production: The student will have to produce a text, more specifically a summary of something they will have read before.
- Context:
-Linguistic competence
-Digital competence
-Learn to learn competence
- Description:
The student will be using a computer with internet connection to succeed in doing this activity.
Also, the student will have to enter in the sites that will be afterwards described.
- Instructions:
You must follow the following steps, in order to complete successfully this task:
Step 1: Listen to the following audio I have recorded myself, you are going to do something similar.
Step 2: Enter in the following link and read the whole page. You should take notes if necessary.
Step 3: After reading the previous page, you will now have to create your own voice record about the subject. You must make a summary with your own words of what you have just read.
Step 4: To do so, you must click on the link and follow the next steps to create your own voice record.
Step 5: You will see a text ''click the button to start recording'' and a red button below. Click on it to start recording. Click on ''Allow Online Voice Recorder to use the microphone'' if it appears before recording.
Step 6: To finish your voice recording click on the red button with a square on it.
Step 7: If you like it click on ''save'' and it will automatically download. If you do not like it, delete it by clicking in the ''X'' that is on the top, on the right-hand side. Afterwards, you can start recording again.
Step 8: Open the following link, you might need to create an account. Click on the upper right-hand side of the page, in the bottom ‘’subir’’.
Step 9: Finally, select in the low right-hand side of the page the orange bottom ‘’guardar’’ and your task will be done.
- Bibliographic references:
Title: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – A Mad Tea Party
Objectives: Developing the students’ communicative competence and cultural knowledge through the Disney film and the original Lewis Carrol novel and enhancing the following linguistic skills:
- Oral comprehension: Watching a selected scene of the movie.
- Written production: Summarising the plot of the scene.
- Written comprehension: Reading the original chapter of the novel.
- Oral production: Recording a short excerpt of the chapter.
Resources |
Internet connection / Computer |
Language level |
B1 – B2 |
Pedagogical practice |
Autonomous work |
Type of activities |
Task sequence |
Media |
Web site / Web page / Online document |
Educational device |
Autonomous homework |
- Step 2: Write a summary (200 words) narrating the plot of the scene you have just watched. Mind your grammar and spelling and build full sentences: correct use of English will be assessed.
- Step 3: Read the original chapter of the novel and try to compare it with the film scene. (Chapter VII)
- Step 4: Record a two-minutes long audio narrating an excerpt of the chapter. Mind your pronunciation and accent: fluent and comprehensible speech will be assessed. You will be using the online tool Online Voice Recorder. In order to record an audio, we should follow the instructions below:
- Acces the website:
- Click on the red button to start recording
- Allow the website to access the microphone on your computer and adjust it if necessary
- The device starts recording
- Press the 'pause' button to freeze the recording. press the 'stop' button to finish the recording
- Click on the 'save' button when you are done
- The recording will be automatically downloaded
- Step 5: Send an email to before the 20th January attaching your summary (Word) and audio.
Tittle: It’s a Wild World
1) Developing oral comprehension through the analysis of a short video about Quokkas, and by listening to the oral presentations created by other classmates.
2) Being capable of describing thoroughly a topic as to foster oral production.
3) Foster the use of technology in class.
· 10 Graders with an A2/B1 level of English.
· Individual project. Outside of class task.
· Task uploading through Moodle platform.
· Assessment and feedback through Moodle platform.
1. Instructional Material: Individual project – Written summarization and video creation.
2. Medium: YouTube, Moodle, Adobe Spark.
1. Watch the video on YouTube and write a brief summary about its topic. Take into account how the information is presented. What are the main ideas?
2. Now it’s your turn to come up with a topic related to the natural world. Try to think about any living beings that you like. Is there something special about them, would you like to explain something specific or do you want to give just a general idea? Gather information and write down what would you like other people to know about the topic that you chose.
3. Using the freeware tool Adobe Spark, create a short video (between 3 and 6 minutes) about the animal or flora that you previously selected. Upload your video on Moodle when you are finished.
a. How to use Adobe Spark:
i. Go to
ii. Click on the “Get Started” button. Log in with your Facebook or Google account.
iii. You will be given the choice to make a post, page or video. Choose video.
iv. Create a title for your video and choose a template and a theme for your video. You can modify it later.
v. Add a photo or a video by clicking on the “+” located on the title page. You will be given the option to choose where you want to get the image from.
vi. You can add more slides by clicking on the “+” button at the bottom in the Scene sorter. You can later add layouts to choose how the scene will look. You can even add some icons and text.
vii. Add a voice over in each slide by clicking and holding the orange microphone icon at the bottom of the slide. You can delete and rerecord if you make any mistakes.
viii. You can add background music to your video by choosing music in the upper right tab.
ix. When you are finished, you can preview your video by selecting the eye icon at the top of your video.
x. When you are happy with your work, click on the "Share" button at the top of the video. Write down all the information and click the “Create Public Link”. A link will be generated. Copy and paste it on the public forum of the course.
If you need further instructions to use Adobe Spark, please, refer to the official adobe page:
4. Watch at least 5 of your classmates’ videos and let them know what you found interesting about the topic.
Referencias bibliográficas
Dufault, D. [Animalogic]. (2018, August 29). Quokkas: The Happiest Animals on the Internet. Retrieved from
Howard, J. (No date). How to use Adobe Spark Video. Retrieved from
Title: Christmas around the World
Objectives: The main objective of these activities is that students can practise their oral and written skills.
- Oral comprehension: students will watch a video related to Christmas in different parts of the world. They will have to write a short summary of it.
- Written comprehension: students will read a text with many true or false questions and some other short questions in order to know whether they have understood the text.
- Oral production: Students will record themselves in audio telling about what they usually do during Christmas.
- Written production: They will write an essay of 400 words where they talk about anecdotes during Christmas time.
Context: For the video, we will need a digital board and a computer to reproduce it. In the classroom we have the necessary equipment for that, so it will not be necessary to go to another room. These activities are focused for students between 14 and 15 years old, with a B1 level of the English language.
Description: This task will take place in the classroom, being the teacher present during the whole activity. The educational resource is a task, the support a Moodle platform and the device employed will be the computer.
1- Oral comprehension: You will have to watch the following video that is titled “The Unique Christmas Traditions Around the World”. After that, write a short summary with the main ideas that the video contains.
2- Written comprehension: You will be given a text titled “How to have a British Christmas”. After reading the text, you will have to answer some questions.
1- Letters to Father Christmas. In America kids write letters to Santa and put them in the mailbox, but in England we toss them straight in the fire. We're not trying to make children cry. Burning the letters sends them directly to the North Pole where Santa can read your Christmas wishes in the smoke. Yes, it may seem a little weird but it does save on postage.
2- Hanging stockings. American children traditionally hang stockings around the fireplace for Santa to fill with presents, but in the UK we hang stockings around the bed being surrounded by presents. Is a great way to wake up on Christmas morning and a great way to let father Christmas (a total stranger who's been watching you all year get really close to your sleeping body) sweet dreams! Also instead of leaving out milk and cookies for Father Christmas, we leave him brandy and a mince pie because he is a grown-up.
3- Christmas Crackers may not seem like the most festive thing to serve on Christmas dinner, but these are not the type of crackers that you put cheese on. A Christmas cracker is a brightly decorated cardboard tube filled with fun prizes. When grabbed and pulled apart, a tiny explosive inside makes a loud cracking noise, hence the name. Inside the cracker is usually a cheesy plastic prize, a paper crown and a terrible joke: ‘why is a ghost so bad at lying? Because you can see right through them’. I'm so sorry.
4- Christmas hats. Inside the Christmas cracker are colourful paper hats that it is absolutely mandatory to wear. In fact, 90% of Christmas arguments stem from trying to make your grumpiest relative put their paper crown on. The other 10% comes from playing Monopoly, because there are some Christmas traditions that we share unfortunately.
5- Christmas dinner. A British Christmas dinner is just as big a feast as an American one. The main dish is usually roast turkey, often surrounded by bacon-wrapped chipolatas which are mini sausages bacon-wrapped miniature pork sausages. Now that's a tradition that you Americans should get behind. We serve the turkey with gross potatoes and veggies, traditionally Brussels sprouts, which are gross but it's tradition so we eat them anyway. We have gravy to smother everything in and something called bread sauce, which isn't a sauce to put on bread, but a sauce that's thickened with bread, which looks a little lumpy but tastes delicious. Then we eat until we can't move, and watch ‘telly’ until we pass out. Sound familiar?
6- Christmas pudding. Americans love to have their pumpkin and pecan pies for Christmas dessert, but in the UK we have Christmas pudding. This is a very dense boiled cake flavoured with dried fruit and spices. It's then soaked in alcohol, aged for several months, boiled again, soaked in alcohol again, and then set on fire. Come to a British Christmas! We soak everything in alcohol and then light it on fire.
7- The royal Christmas message, that's right. Every Christmas day, Her Majesty the Queen gives a holiday speech reflecting on the events of the past year. We all sit around pretending to pay attention, but secretly carrying on with whatever it was we were doing before. Think of it as the State of the Union but with much more gold.
8- Boxing Day. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas Day. Its origins are debatable, some say that it's a day when workers would receive a box of gifts from their bosses, others say that it's a day when people would box up gifts for the poor. But the main thing that happens on Boxing Day nowadays is shopping. It's kind of like our Black Friday, only nobody gets trampled to death.
9- Pantomime. Every year around the Christmas ‘hols’ pretty much every theatre in the country puts on a pantomime. These are plays for kids based on fairy tales, such as Cinderella and Aladdin, involving a lot of high-camp cross-dressing and audience interaction. They're normally starring jaded celebrities so if the idea of seeing David Hasselhoff in a dress excites you, you should definitely check one out.
10- Taking down the Christmas tree. We Brits believe that the Christmas tree and decoration should be taken down within 12 days of Christmas, otherwise you'll have bad luck for the rest of the year. This is maybe a tradition that America should consider adopting. I've certainly seen people keep their old brown dry withered Christmas trees until almost the fourth of July.
What’s a pantomime?
What do British people do with the letter they write to Santa?
What name do British people use to call Santa?
What do they do nowadays on Boxing Day?
Name as many things as possible – What do British people eat on Christmas Day?
What’s a Christmas cracker?
What does her Majesty the Queen speak about on her speech?
What’s a stocking?
When should you take down the Christmas decoration?
Name as many things as possible – What can you find inside a Christmas cracker?
3- Oral production: Here you will have to record yourself in audio explaining what traditions do you practise at home during Christmas. It must last at least two minutes. You can describe your family, where do you have dinner etc. You can use the Windows Recorder to record your voice and to upload it to the platform.
4- Written production: Finally, you will have to write a summary of 400 words about anecdotes, histories and experiences related to Christmas that you want to tell about Christmas. You can write about what you usually did during Christmas when you were a child, or what would you like to do in your future Christmas.
5: Webpages employed: _quiz_and_lesson_plan/christmas/103267
Álvaro López Ferro
What is your most precious possession?
Oral comprehension: In order to complete the task, students will have to comprehend what is being said in the video. It will be key that they watch it a few times, and it is suggested to activate subtitles in the video in order to grasp some of the hardest terms.
Oral production: After watching the video, it will be asked to the students to perform a recording in groups of two at , download it and send it to the teacher via moodle platform/ email. It should last around 2-3 minutes minimum. The intention is to make them interview each other about themselves and the topics of the video.
Written production: After recording, it will be asked to the students to write a brief essay (around 100 words) explaining what item a character of their choosing would never lend to anyone and why.
Written comprehension: After writing the essay, they will be delivered randomly among the students. They will have to read it and summarize in 30 seconds or a minute who is that person, what item he/she would never lend to anyone and why.
Level: B2
Teacher will be present
- A. Pedagogical resources for Laguage Learning
- Tasks: Writing an essay, comprehending and summarizing a colleague’s essay
-Sequence: Performing an interview and recording it
B. Media
- Webpage (voice recorder)
C. Device
- In autonomy
Firstly it will be asked to the students to watch the video. It will be advised to activate subtitles in order to fully grasp the content of the video.
link to the video:
Secondly, it will be asked to the students to form groups of two and prepare an interview in which they will have to ask his/her partner the following:
- Who he is, what is his job/occupation
- What item he/she would never lend to anyone
- Why would he she never lend that item
Take into account that it is expected that both members will be the interviewer and the interviewed at some point.
Thirdly, they will have to access in their browse, which, as the name says, it is an online voice recorder. They will have to press the red button and allow the program to use the computer’s microphone. The recording will start after pressing the red circle. They will have to successfully record both interviews. Once they have finished, they will have to press the red square in order to finish (they can also pause without finishing the recording clicking on the “Pause” button). Once they have finished, they will be able to download the recording clicking on “save” and choosing a wide-spread audio format (preferably “wav” or “mp3”). The recording file will be deposited in their predetermined “download” folder. In order to evaluate it they will be asked to upload said recording into the Moodle platform or via email.
Once that task is finished, it will be asked to the students to write a brief essay (100 words). They will pick a character of their choosing, choose an item he/she would never lend and explain why. Imagination and creativity will be encouraged.
Finally, the essays will be randomly handed in to the students, which will then have a few minutes to read it and explain orally in 30 seconds, who is this person, what would he never lend to anyone and why.
Online Voice Recorder. (2019). Retrieved from Visited the 12 of January of 2019
Real English with Real Teachers. (2019). Proper British English on the Streets of London - B2 Listening [Image]. Retrieved from
Título: La barca rota
Comprensión oral: Identificar y distinguir los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/en textos orales.
Producción escrita: Utilizar correctamente el grafema “r” y el dígrafo “rr”, tomando como apoyo los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/.
Comprensión escrita: Identificar y distinguir el grafema “r” y el dígrafo “rr”, tomando como apoyo los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/
Producción oral: Utilizar correctamente los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/en conversaciones informales sobre asuntos cotidianos o menos habituales, y dando la opinión propia.
Context /Contexto:
Esta tarea ha sido creada para alumnos con un nivel A2 en lengua española, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas.
Description / Descripción:
A. Recursos pedagógicos para la enseñanza de una LE |
- Tareas:tres actividades |
- Secuencias:un escenario hipotético. |
- Proyecto pedagógico: en algunas de estas actividades se habrá de trabajar en parejas. |
B. Soporte |
- Correo electrónico: las actividades se enviarán al correo institucional del profesor. |
C. Disposivo |
- Grupo de la clase en sala de informática: se utilizará el aula TIC del centro, que cuenta con ordenadores conectados a Internet, así como auriculares y micrófonos |
[Las actividades se llevarán a cabo durante una sesión de 50 minutos en el aula TIC, con un grupo de 24 alumnos]
Ejercicio 1. COMPRENSIÓN ORAL (5 minutos)
Escucha el siguiente audio, poniendo especial atención a los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/que encuentres:
Ejercicio 2. PRODUCCIÓN ESCRITA (15 minutos)
En parejas, tratad de escribir el trabalenguas que habéis escuchado, transcribiendo de manera correcta los fonemas /ɾ/ y/r/.
Cuando hayáis terminado, intercambiadlo con otra pareja de la clase y, en otro color de bolígrafo, corregid sus errores.
Ejercicio 3. PRODUCCIÓN ORAL (30 minutos)
La clase se dividirá en dos: cinco personas formarán un grupo, y el resto de la clase formará otro.
En el grupo de cinco personas, a cada miembro del grupo se le asignará un papel de los siguientes:
- El remero Ramón. - La rockera Rosa. - El presidente Raúl. - El rector Román. - La reportera Raquel. |
Cuando todos los papeles hayan sido asignados, se recreará la siguiente situación:
Los cinco personajes van en una barca rota en la que no hay suficiente espacio, por lo que dos de ellos deben abandonar la barca y tirarse al mar. |
Cada uno de los cinco personajes debe justificar por qué es él, y no otro, el que ha de permanecer en la barca.
Al finalizar la discusión, toda la clasedeberá hablar 1 minuto, expresando su veredicto sobre quién debe abandonar la barca, utilizando la siguiente estructura:
Creo que (//Desde mi perspectiva)__[nombre del personaje]__ debe permanecer en la barca porque___[justificación]___ |
Esta opinión deberá de ser grabada mediante el sistema de grabación online ONLINE VOICE RECORDER, siguiendo los pasos indicados a continuación:
Sistema de grabación online |
Instrucciones |
1. Conecta tu micrófono al ordenador que vayas a utilizar.
2. Dirígete a
3. En la página principal, selecciona la pestaña “Grabador de voz” de la parte superior.
4. Para empezar a grabar, pulsa sobre el pequeño círculo rojo, con el símbolo de un micrófono.
*Es posible que emerja un cuadro de texto en la parte superior de la pantalla, preguntando si permites que esta página pueda acceder a tu micrófono. Si es así, selecciona la opción “Aceptar”.
5. Una vez iniciada la grabación, puedes pausarla pulsando el botón ▌▌, o finalizarla seleccionando █ .
6. Después de terminar, te aparecerá la opción “Guardar” en la parte inferior derecha. Debes seleccionar esta opción, y el audio se descargará automáticamente en formato mp3 a tu dispositivo (en este caso, el ordenador desde el que estés realizando la grabación). |
Modo de entrega:
Una vez guardada, envíatu grabación de voz al correo institucional de la profesora:, para su corrección.
Referencias bibliográficas
Ejercicios español. (2019). Consultado en enero de 2019:
FLE français langue étrangère FLENET. (2019). Consultado en enero de 2019:
Grabador de voz online. (2019). Consultado en enero de 2019:
Proyecto Aula. - Lengua y Literatura en Internet. (2019). Consultado en enero de 2019:
Tecnologías lingüística y enseñanza del español como lenguaextranjera. (2019). Consultado en enero de 2019: linguisticos y ELE
Title: Use of Conditionals - Fear and Laughter
Oral comprehension
The students are expected to watch a short fragment of a film and analyse a deeper meaning within. -
Oral production
The students must give their opinion about a topic, and review what they have understood from the excerpt they have watched.
The following exercise aims Independent Users of the Foreign language, Between a B1 level and a B2 level.
In the global scale, the students that do this activity will be able to do manage (at least) on a B1 - Independent User Range:
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters
regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most
situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is
spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of
personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and
ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. (UNESCO, 24)
Criterios de evaluación para una página web pedagógica Universidad de León (2003) |
Nombre del sitio internet: Conditionals 1 | British Council |
Dirección URL: |
Fecha de creación / Actualización: 13/January/2019 |
Autor |
NO |
SÍ |
1. El autor de la página web se identifica |
- |
- |
X |
2. El autor se presenta (forma parte de una institución u organismo público o privado) |
- |
- |
X |
3. Su dirección electrónica o postal está disponible |
X |
- |
- |
Contenido |
1. Presentación y organización de la información |
- |
- |
X |
2. Trabajo de documentación (fuentes, referencias, renovación) |
- |
X |
- |
3. Análisis crítico (evaluación de sitios web o de recursos) |
- |
- |
X |
Utilidad pedagógica |
1. Documentos, materiales y actividades pedagógicas |
- |
- |
X |
2. Espacios de comunicación (lista, foro de discusión, chat) |
- |
X |
- |
3. Originalidad y aportación metodológica. Trabajo investigación |
- |
- |
X |
Tipología de los recursos, soportes y dispositivos Internet en contextos educativos |
1. EN AUTONOMÍA: ausencia de docente, tutor o en equipo |
A. Recursos pedagógicos para la enseñanza de una LE |
- Tareas (actividades, ejercicios) |
B. Soporte |
- Página web (sitio pedagógico, portal LE) |
C. Dispositivo |
- En autonomía |
Exercise 1 - Grammar Review
Please, read the following materials thoroughly to review the use of zero, first and second conditionals.
Answer the questions imbedded in the website.
Exercise 2 - Reading and Video: Fear and Laughter
Please, read the following article about the Psychology of fear.
You may take notes and use them for your oral production.
After reading the text, please, watch this short extract of a Harry Potter film.
You may take notes and use them for your oral production exercise as well.
Exercise 3 - Oral Production
You have to record yourself talking about the materials you have just read and watched. For this task, you have to summarise first the reading and the short extract’s key common points and talk about the ideas that suggest these.
Here are some ideas to reflect in your recording:
What is fear?
What is a Boggart?
Which is the best way to face a Boggart?
What is your worst fear? Can you think of a way you could overcome it?
Why do you think laughter can/cannot defeat some fears?
- If you fought a Boggart, how could you turn it into something funny?
Please, follow the instructions to record the text:
Access the site
Click on the red button to begin the recording.
Allow the use of the microphone if necessary.
At the beginning of the recording, state your full name and course.
You can pause whenever you want, just by clicking the “Pause” button.
Press the “Stop” button when finished.
Save the recording. Include the name of the file the Task and your full name. (e.g.: Task-3_Sara-Marcilla)
Upload it on the following Google Drive Folder.
Here is an example of the recording of a brief excerpt from Harry Potter and the Phillosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling:
Referencias bibliográficas
British Council. (s.f.). Conditionals 1. Accessed January 13, 2019, from
Council of Europe. (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Recuperado de
Gross, G. Dr.. (2016). The Psychology of Fear. Accessed January 13, 2019, from
Warner Bros.. (2012). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Remus Lupin's "boggart" class (HD) [Archivo de vídeo ]. Accessed January 13, 2019, from