New Technologies in Foreign Language Education

An online platform for MA students at the university of León, Spain

All Blog Posts (25)

Robert O'Dowd Teacher training videos

Here are 4 new reports on teacher tools made by Russell Stannard.

The first one is quite simply the best
piece of technology to date and will change the life of any teacher!

New Videos 1 For ALL TEACHERS

If you don't know what iTunes is or have only heard of it but have never used it
then please watch these videos. This software will revolutionise the educational
content you will have access to. I take you through exactly what iTunes is, why it

Added by Robert O'Dowd on March 29, 2010 at 9:34am — No Comments

Robert O'Dowd Piccolingo

Hi everyone, a new project has been launched about young children and language learning. I thought you might like to have a look at it and see what they are doing. The link is:

Have a look and let me know what you think of it.

How is teaching practice going? Write on this platform and share your experiences with us.

Have a nice weekend,
Robert Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on March 26, 2010 at 2:13pm — No Comments

Robert O'Dowd New tool

Glñogster is a web 2.0 tool which enables you - or your students - to make multimedia posters:
Here is an example of what it can do:

Added by Robert O'Dowd on March 5, 2010 at 12:57pm — No Comments

Lucia Puente Aller Webquest!

I just wanted to tell you about a page I have found, that helps you to create your own Webquests. You can do it in Spanish and in English. The page is the following:

I have created one. It was the first one so it is not very well done but at least you get an idea how this program works.


Added by Lucia Puente Aller on February 10, 2010 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

AFRICA LOPEZ QUINTANILLA Londonderry/Derry.Northern Irish Conflict

Our group is going to do the presentation about Norhtern Irish Conflict.It is formed by Patricia Arias Mohedano, Zaida de La Sierra Marcos, Sabela Rivera Mata and Africa Lopez Quintanilla. QUIZ: DERRY modificado english ppt.ppt OVERVIEW: OVERVIEW.doc WEBQUEST… Continue

Added by AFRICA LOPEZ QUINTANILLA on January 14, 2010 at 6:54pm — 1 Comment

Tania Lozano García Action research project "Cultural diversity"

Tania Lozano García Araceli Cristobalena Frutos This action research project tries to solve problems of cultural diversity in the English class and encourage students participation. Action research Cultural diversity.doc Continue

Added by Tania Lozano García on January 14, 2010 at 6:52pm — 1 Comment

Robert O'Dowd Powerpoint for Online Intercultural Exchange

Before working through this powerpoint presentation about how CMC can be applied in the Foreign Language Classroom, discuss the following questions: What does CMC mean? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CMC in your FL classes? workshop.ppt Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on January 8, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Mario Tomé Tema 10: Contenidos

Los dispositivos de formación y los entornos de comunicación y colaboración para la clase de lengua extranjera (LE) - Tipología de los dispositivos y entornos de formación. - Comunicación y colaboración con las TIC. - Weblogs y redes sociales educativas en clase de LE Consutar:… Continue

Added by Mario Tomé on December 15, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

CRISTINA ÁLVAREZ CALVO Nuestras opiniones recogidas en vídeo

PARTE I (VÍDEO) Un 10 de diciembre, de cuyo día no quiero acordarme, mis compañeras y yo realizamos una grabación grupal en la que relatamos nuestra opinión personal y las posibles aplicaciones de utilizar el en clase, tanto si eres alumno como profesor. Continue

Added by CRISTINA ÁLVAREZ CALVO on December 10, 2009 at 7:49pm — No Comments

Lucia Puente Aller Video grupal: Alumnas en acción

MasterEdu09part2 En el video comento la utilidad de esta nueva herramienta he hoy hemos descubierto en clase. Hay unos problemas técnicos de sonido pero la imagen es buena. Continue

Added by Lucia Puente Aller on December 10, 2009 at 7:49pm — 1 Comment

Mario Tomé Tema 9: Contenidos

Las tareas pedagógicas en clase de LE con las TIC 9.1. Tipología de las tareas pedagógicas. 9.2. Las tareas en los entornos web. 9.2. Tareas y competencias orales Véase: Definición de términos afines: actividades, tareas, ejercicios, scénarios, proyectos hContinue

Added by Mario Tomé on December 10, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

Robert O'Dowd Video: A box for India

Before beginning our review of Online intercultural exchange, have a look at this video about a box exchange project between schools in Britain and in India. Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 8, 2009 at 12:38pm — 6 Comments

Robert O'Dowd Reminder

A quick reminder for everyone that we have our next class tomorrow Wednesday at 10.00am and I've asked you all to make an activity based on activity 5.... see you then, Robert Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 8, 2009 at 11:23am — No Comments

Mario Tomé Tema 8: Contenidos

8. Recursos electrónicos y Web 2.0 en clase de lengua extranjera (LE) - Tipología de los recursos - Análisis y evaluación de los recursos - Aplicación de parrillas y checklist 8. 1. El término "recurso" comprende varios planos y significados. 8. 1.1. Lo delimitaremos dentro de las siguientes coordenadas: - recurso consultable sobre… Continue

Added by Mario Tomé on December 3, 2009 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

Robert O'Dowd Some definitions

What do these terms mean? CALL Computer Assisted Language Learning ICT Information and Communication Technologies (Spanish- Las TIC) TELL Technology Enhanced Language Learning Online FL Ed. Online Foreign Language Education NBLT Network based Language Teaching TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language TESL Teaching English as a Second Language Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 2, 2009 at 11:34am — 2 Comments

Robert O'Dowd Complete this poll to get started...

Complete this online poll with your opinion. Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 2, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

Robert O'Dowd Welcome to our online home!

This is the platform which we will use to discuss the theme of new technologies in Foreign Language Education as part of our MA course in “INNOVACIÓN DOCENTE E INICIACIÓN A LA INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA”. PLease have a read of the materials, watch the videos, listen to the podcasts and participate in the discussion forums which you find below. This NING is intended to be a practical example of how you can use online technologies in your teaching - so have fun, experiment and think about how you cou… Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 1, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Robert O'Dowd Activity 1: Why use technologies in FL teaching?

Your first activity here is to create a list of reasons why you would want to use new technologies in your classes. Post your list as a response to this message by writing in your answers below. Compare this list with other members of your class. When you're finished, go to the following section of the ICT4LT website, find section 2 of module 1.1 and compare your list of reasons for using new technologies with the list you find there:… Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 1, 2009 at 12:30pm — 8 Comments

Robert O'Dowd Activity 2: Using Technology in FL teaching: A practical example

Watch this video from Teachers TV and find out how new technologies are being used to teach foreign languages in secondary schools in Britain and what advice they give teachers about how to integrate new technologies into their classes: you have viewed the video, go to the forum for activity one to discuss y… Continue

Added by Robert O'Dowd on December 1, 2009 at 12:30pm — 12 Comments

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