Watch this video of a discussion about new technologies and FL education led by INTENT project member Elke Nissen.
Langues - Communication - Ressources - Projets - Web 2.0
Actuellement les enseignants des universités européennes utilisent de plus en plus l'Internet pour mettre leurs étudiants en contact avec d'autres salles de classe autour du monde afin qu'ils puissent collaborer ensemble, développer leurs compétences en langue étrangère et acquérir de l'expérience dans les échanges interculturels.
Voici quelques uns des objectifs du Projet INTENT pour le développement de la télécollaboration en langues dans les établissements européens d'enseignement supérieur:
- Élaboration d' une enquête sur les projets de télécollaboration interculturels à travers l'Europe
- Mise en place d' une plate-forme virtuelle ( où les enseignants trouverront d'autres partenaires ainsi que les ressources pour accompagner leurs échanges et projets à venir.
- Développement de différents outils pour les enseignants intéressés par la télécollaboration en langues étrangères: un e-portfolio pour évaluer les projets des étudiants, des bases de données des tâches télécollaboratives et des documentations pour aider les professeurs dans leurs propres échanges.
- Réalisation d'ateliers régionaux et d'une conférence internationale sur le thème de la télécollaboration en langues dans l'éducation universitaire.
INTENT Projet - Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign Language Higher Education
Integrando redes telecolaborativas en la enseñanza universitaria de lenguas extranjeras
Applications des réseaux télécollaboratifs pour l'enseignement universitaire des langues étrangères
Vues : 34864
Balises : Commission, ERASMUS, INTENT, Multilateral, Projects, Projets, européenne, multilatéraux
International Conference:
12-14 février 2014
The conference will be held at:
Universidad de León - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
- Campus de la Vegazana, 24071 León
The conference will take place in the Faculty of
Humanities (ask for “La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras”)
on the main campus of the University of León:
There will be a reception desk open on the ground floor of
the building from 08.30 on Wednesday 12 February and
student helpers waiting at the campus bus stop to
accompany you to the faculty.
Programme: 12-14 February 2014 -
University of León, Spain
International Conference: Telecollaboration in
University Foreign Language Education
The abbreviated conference programe as of 15 January can
be downloaded here.
The detailed conference programme can be downloaded here.
All presenters will be asked to send power point
presentations ONE week before the conference so that the
presentations can be uploaded onto the respective laptops
in the rooms.
All presentations will last 30 minutes – including
A facebook page / twitter feed for the conference are now
in use to promote the discussion on university
telecollaboration among students, teachers and university
- Facebook:
- Twitter: #unicollaboration
The INTENT project's final activity is to organise an international conference on the theme of telecollaboration in university education at the University of León, Spain on 12-14 February 2014.
More details and a call for papers are available on the conference platform:
The abbreviated conference programe as of 15 January can be downloaded here.
The detailed conference programme can be downloaded here.
Plenary speakers
International Conference: Telecollaboration in University
Foreign Language Education
12-14 February 2014 - University of León, Spain
On 12-14 February 2014, the project team will organise a major international conference aimed at bring together educators, researchers, mobility coordinators and university management who are interested in further exploring the integration of online intercultural exchange projects at universities around the globe. The conference will offer participants the opportunity to present examples of good practice and research on the theme of university telecollaboration. They will also be invited to participate in interactive sessions where practitioners and policy makers can work together to produce a set of recommendations and strategies for the integration of telecollaboration in higher education.
Audience: The conference will be of interest to various groups:
Practitioners and researchers of telecollaborative
exchange at university level
University educators interested in learning how to use
telecollaboration in their classrooms
Mobility coordinators interested in learning how
telecollaboration can be used to support and enhance
physical mobility programmes
University management, including those responsible for
internationalisation, virtual mobility and foreign
language policy
Vous trouverez ici toutes les classes qui sont à la recherche de partenariats. Cliquez sur l'une des catégories pour en savoir plus sur les étudiants et le type d'échange. Dans les rubriques où plusieurs options peuvent être sélectionnées, utilisez Ctrl-clic pour sélectionner plus d'une option.
Here you will find all the classes which are looking for partnerships. Click on one of the classes to read more about the students and the type of exchange which the practitioner would like to organise. In the filters where multiple options can be selected, use Ctrl-click to pick more than one option. Note that classes already in a Collaboration are not listed.
students to develop online intercultural exchanges![]() |
A group of students up to 18 from
different academic disciplines but all with a B1+
to B2 levels (CEF) that is too say intermediate to
University of Paris 6 France |
Phonetics at University of Minnesota/USA![]() |
FREN 3014 (French Phonetics), 18 intermediate students. We are looking for a complimentary class in Franophone country for English-French... |
of Minnesota United States |
Undergraduate Class |
I am looking for partners (German native speakers) for two German classes at Yale University.
1. 2nd year German class (class meets... |
University United States |
exchange.![]() |
Most of my students are undergraduate (only a few of them are stuyding at postgraduate level), aged between 18 and 22. Although In the university... |
College London - Centre for Languages and
International ... United Kingdom |
The INTENT Projet has class-partnership requests from Turkey, the USA, the UK, France and many other countries. Colleagues are also adding to the task database and are exchanging experiences on the community message boards. If you want to get your students involved in online intercultural exchange projects this semester, be sure to log on and explore the resources available:
Second call for papers for our International Conference on Telecollaboration in University Foreign Language Education. The conference will take place at the University of León, Spain on 12-14 February 2014. The deadline for registration and paper submission is 1 October.
The conference aims to look at the different ways in which telecollaboration can contribute to foreign language education at university level and how it can be integrated into universities’ internationalization programmes and policies. We welcome contributions which focus on academic research related to online intercultural exchange as well as practical reports of telecollaborative exchange projects taking place between universities around the globe. We are also particularly interested in hearing perspectives of student mobility coordinators, university management and other stakeholders in regard to how telecollaboration can make a more comprehensive contribution to university education
Colleagues can register and submit their proposal on the conference website:
The conference is being organised as part of INTENT project, financed by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. More information: here:
"Benefits Final 2"
| Castellano
(4' 03'') |
"Finding partner teachers"
| Castellano
(10' 42'') |
| Castellano
(6' 07'') |
| Castellano
(11' 01'') |
"Practitioners' voices -
| Inglés
(8' 44'') |
Vidéos Universidad de León
INTENT Project News -
Helping to integrate telecollaboration in European
INTENT Project Workshops
The INTENT team will be offering training workshops on
telecollaboration in Italy, France, Poland and the
UK in 2013. Registration is free but participants
expected to cover all their own travel and maintenance
Presenting INTENT at the COIL Conference in New York
Watch team members Francesca Helm and Mirjam Hauck present
on June 8, 2012 at the COIL conference in New York about
our project.
Models of Telecollaboration: The Increasing Prevalence of ELF (and other Lingua Francas) Sarah Guth University of Padova, Italy
Quelles spécificités des recherches liées à l'usage des TIC pour l...
Watch this video of a discussion about new technologies and FL education led by INTENT project member Elke Nissen.
Lancement de la plateforme UNICollaboration (Projet INTENT) de soutien aux projets de télécollaboration en langues:
La plateforme UNICollaboration
est officiellement ouverte aux universités du monde
Elle offrira aux enseignants de langues et aux
responsables des relations internationales d'une part une
aide à la recherche de partenaires pour des échanges
plurilingues en ligne, d'autre part des ressources pour
leurs projets et initiatives dans ce domaine de la
mobilité virtuelle.
This platform and its resources have been developed by the INTENT project team.
The first working version of our portfolio for telecollaborative exchanges is now available in...
I will be talking about telecollaboration and the INTENT project to the AULC conference later...
A very interesting video of a...
This article on ...
Classes: Campus Virtuel FLE Echanges
Le dispositif Campus Virtuel FLE met en place des projets de télécollaboration avec les objectifs suivants:
- favoriser une communication authentique et des échanges linguistiques et interculturels pour l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère.
- développer la compréhension et la production orales chez les apprenants de FLE en utilisant de tâches pédagogiques et des outils informatiques (ressources audiovisuelles, magnétophones web, podcasts, plateforme Moodle).
- réaliser des expériences pédagogiques avec les nouveaux médias sociaux (blogs, podcasts, réseaux éducatifs, Ning).
Consultez les sites:
Blogs / Réseaux Campus FLE
Podcasts Etudiants Campus
Projets télécollaboration FLENET
Vous trouverez ici toutes les classes qui sont à la recherche de partenariats.
Cliquez sur l'une des catégories pour en savoir plus sur les étudiants et le type d'échange.
Scénarios pédagogiques / Task sequences
Vous trouverez ici une collection de scénarios
pédagogiques (task sequences). Un scénario pédagogique est
un ensemble de tâches qui peuvent être combinées pendant
un projet d'échange en ligne. Cliquez sur l'un des
scénarios pédagogiques pour en savoir plus sur ses
objectifs et sur l'articulation des différentes
tâches. Exemples:
Projet de télécollaboration et groupe virtuel des étudiants étrangers de Lille (France) et ceux de l'université de León (Espagne).
Creating a Newsletter Together
As more and more professions increasingly move to information online, students in formation need to learn how to produce and publish online...
Here you will find information about institutions, practitioners and classes that are using our platform.
You can use the Class Search tool to browse and look for
partner classes for your telecollaborative projects.
You can also browse and search the lists of institutions
to find partners in a particular country or institution.
You can also browse and search the lists of practitioners
to find a particular partner to work with. Practitioners
are usually university teachers or mobility coordinators.
Jeux vidéo et logiciels 3D en classe
Karaoké FLE Apprendre et Prononcer
Lectrices Sensibilisation Orale
Livres bilingues - Textes Podcasts
Podcasts Baladodiffusion Langues
Podcasting Langues Social Media
Professeurs FLE Métiers des langues
Recherches Méthodes
Historique Premiers Podcasts Campus FLE
Projets télécollaboration Langues
Projet INTENT UNI-Collaboration
Orale Recherches Projets
Séquences Pédagogiques Multimédia
Standards Compétences Langues Enseignants
Théâtre et Apprentissage Langues
Langue - Littérature - Culture
- Recherche
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Campus FLE Education
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